Sunday Worship
10AM Holy Eucharist - Rite I
In-person and via
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10AM Children's Sunday School
11AM Coffee Hour

Office Hours
Tuesday to Thursday
8 AM to 2 PM
A Tour of St. Paul's Stained Glass Windows
Among the greatest earthly treasures of St. Paul's Episcopal Church are its beautiful stained glass windows which have been donated over the years. The stained glass windows have served many purposes in the church over the years and continue in these capacities today; as screens to block the distractions of the outside world, as objects of meditation, as teaching tools to illustrate lessons from scripture and the lives of the saints who have gone before us. The windows are objects of beauty created for the glory of God. 

The current church building, completed in 1859, is a Pointed Gothic structure in the Old English style. The building of the first organ of the church, and the first in Henderson, was begun that year as well. A gift of Mrs. Mary H. Starling and Mr. E. L. Starling, it was made by the Simmons and Wilcox Company of Boston, Massachusetts. In 1868 a choir loft gallery was added at the back of the church, and in 1890 the stained glass windows depicting scenes from the life of St. Paul were installed over the altar. In addition to these windows, other windows in the church were given as memorials over many years.

In 1907 several structural changes to the church were begun. A new organ was donated with the request that it be placed in the chancel. The choir loft was removed and a new choir chancel constructed for the new instrument. At this time the windows at the west end of the nave were installed in the place of the choir loft and improvements were made to the steeple and rear gable of the church. The newest windows in the church date from the 1920s.